F.A.Q. – Insurance
By our liability protection, your household goods are insured in the amount of 620.00 € per cubic metre against damage, theft and loss. However, content or the goods that are being packed by the customer are not covered. Total loss and stranding are excluded from this liability protection.
Vehicles are not covered by our liability protection as they are insured through your comprehensive insurance. Please check with your car insurance whether your collision damage protection covers sea transport, otherwise vehicles can be insured separately against theft/stranding and transport damage (excluding paintwork/scratches/rust). Please do not hesitate to contact us on this matter.
We may offer you fair value insurance (based on the current market value of your removal goods). The fee amounts to 1.8 % of the insurance sum.
This fair value insurance covers any damage to and total loss of the moving goods as well as stranding.
Merchandise and/or new goods are not covered by our liability protection.
We may take out this insurance for you, should you wish so. The commercial invoice forms the basis for the insurance.